When will my item be shipped?

Although delivery times vary based on your location and the item that was auctioned and or purchased, we typically ship orders within 3 business days after the item has been paid for. During high volume periods and the rainy season, your order could be delayed by additional days.

Tracking Information

After your item is shipped, we will provide you with tracking information via email. Please check your email for updates on your order and use the tracking number provided to monitor the progress of the shipment and delivery.

Where’s My Item?

We work as quickly as we can to process your order. If you’re wondering why you haven’t received your item, please use the tracking number that was sent to you. Depending on your location, please allow up to 14 days for your order to arrive. If you think your order should have arrived but you haven’t received it, please track your order using the tracking number that was provided to you at the time of shipping. If you can’t view, track or determine the status of your order, you may contact our Customer Service department.

Items that are lost, stolen or damaged in transit

While we have the utmost trust in our shipping partners, we recognize that in rare cases, an item that has been sent to you may be damaged during transit, lost or stolen. Unfortunately, once an item is shipped to you, the risk of loss or damage shifts away from us to you and Market Buddy will not be responsible for any damaged, stolen or lost items.

Once notified of your shipment, please use the tracking number that was provided to you to track and monitor the progress of the shipment. Being aware of your expected delivery date might help to mitigate the risk of loss.

Any claims for damage that occurred while in transit, loss or theft must be made to our shipping partner. If you experience any issues of damage, loss or theft, please contact us. Our Customer Service and Logistics teams will do their best to assist you with any relevant documentation that may be required to file a claim with our shipping partner.


All our personnel take protective and hygiene measures to deliver your items safely to you, in line with health advice provided by global health agencies in response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic. Because we take these safety measures seriously, we have chosen xyz as our shipping partner based on their impressive commitment to keep their customers safe during the pandemic. To read more about how xyz is responding to the pandemic, you may visit their site.


Quality Assurance

We stand behind the quality of the products we offer and want every auction to be a positive experience. If by any chance, the product you received is defective, we will do our best to make it right.

Is there a limitation on initiating a return?

We allow returns and exchanges for certain products within 14 days of the delivery date. If no tracking number was assigned at the time of shipping, the item to be returned must be received within 21 days of the shipping date. The eligibility for return will depend on the circumstances and reason for return.

I received a defective product

All of our products are tested and inspected before shipment. If you however, receive a defective product, please contact our customer care team.
Defective products that are eligible for return may be returned for either a refund or an exchange.

The wrong item was sent to me

If by some error, we send you the wrong item, color, size or specification of the product you ordered, the item would be eligible for a refund or exchange.

How do I send my item that is eligible for a return?

If your item is eligible for a return, we will either send you a prepaid shipping label or instructions to drop it off at our facility. Any items being returned to us must be in its original packaging and in new or unused condition. It must also include all parts, accompanying literature (manuals, packaging leaflets, instructions, warranty cards, promotional coupons etc.) and accessories (batteries, chargers, cords, attachments, extensions, etc.)

What happens after Market Buddy receives my returned item?

We inspect all returned items to ensure that it is the exact same item that was sent to you and that the item has been returned to us in its original condition. The returned item’s UPC or serial number must match the number we have in our records. Removal or alteration of the product’s UPC or serial number label will automatically void any possibility of refund or exchange. After inspection, if we discover that
(a) the numbers are mismatched; or
(b) the number has been altered or removed; or
(c) the item appears to have been used; or
(d) the item’s packaging has been damaged; or
(e) some of the item’s parts, literature, accessories or other like accompanying materials is missing, we will void the eligibility for return or refund and return the item to you. If we sent you a shipping label, we will send you an invoice for the refund of the cost of returning the item to us. You will also be responsible for the cost of sending the item back to you.